All visitors at Sand Mountain Recreation Area are required to pay an activity fee. Please be prepared to show your hard copy pass and digital pass on your mobile device.
Print out and download the pass on your mobile device in advance of your visit. Connectivity is limited, and the pass must be available for validation when visiting Sand Mountain Recreation Area.
A printed copy of this pass is required to be displayed in your vehicle. Fold the printed pass on the dotted line and display it on your vehicle dashboard with the QR code visible and scanable at all times during your visit.
Standard Bureau of Land Management fee-free entrance days do not apply at Sand Mountain Recreation Area. Alternatively, activity fees are waived at Sand Mountain Recreation Area every Tuesday and Wednesday year-round.
Passes are non-transferrable, non-refundable, not replaceable if lost or stolen, and are void if altered or reproduced.
All visitors at Sand Mountain Recreation Area are required to pay an activity fee. Please be prepared to display your hard copy pass in your vehicle and digital pass on your mobile device.
Print out and download the pass on your mobile device in advance of your visit. Connectivity may be limited, and the pass must be available to show at all times when visiting Sand Mountain Recreation Area.
A printed copy of this pass is also required for your vehicle. Fold the printed pass on the dotted line and display it on the dashboard, with the QR code visible and scanable at all times during your visit.
Operators of motorcycles and open-top vehicles must carry this pass on their person. Passes should not be left on an unattended motorcycle.
If the entrance station is closed be prepared to show your pass to authorized personnel.
Long lines for entrance to Sand Mountain Recreation Area are common during peak season and holidays, purchasing this pass prior to arrival provides expidited entry in to Sand Mountain Recreation Area.
Passes are non-transferrable, non-refundable, not replaceable if lost or stolen, and are void if altered or reproduced.
By purchasing this pass, you agree to the following supplementary rules for Sand Mountain Recreation Area.
Supplementary Rules
Sec. 1 Motor Vehicle Rules
a. All motorized vehicles, other than those traveling on maintained roads, must be equipped with an 8 foot whip mast and a six (6) inch by twelve (12) inch solid red or orange colored safety flag. Flags may be pennant, triangle, square, or rectangular shape. The mast must be securely mounted on the vehicle and extend eight (8) feet from the ground to the mast tip when the vehicle is stopped. Safety flags must be attached within 10 inches of the tip of the whip mast with club or other flags mounted below safety flag or on another whip.
b. You must not operate any motorized vehicle in excess of 25 mph on any maintained road within the Recreation Area, or in excess of 15 mph within any designated camping area.
c. Within that portion of the Recreation Area where vehicle use is designated as ‘‘limited’’, there are only two roads open to motorized vehicles. These roads are:
(1) The main access road leading from U.S. Route 50 to the northernmost restroom facility and
(2) The secondary access road leading from the main access road to the parking area near the Sand Springs Pony Express Station and Desert Study Area.
d. No person shall drink an alcoholic beverage, or have in their possession or on their person any open container that contains an alcoholic beverage, while operating in or on a motorized vehicle.
Sec. 2 Other Restrictions on Recreation Use
a. You must not camp on the following lands, other than in an area designated for that purpose: Mt. Diablo Meridian T. 17 N., R. 32 E.,Sec. 28 SW1⁄4
b. You must not camp on any other public lands within the Sand Mountain Recreation Area in Sec. 5, T.16N, R.32E, or within three miles of the boundary of the Recreation Area.
c. You must not operate or use any audio equipment, such as a radio, television, musical instrument, or other noise producing device, or motorized equipment, between the hours of 12 a.m. and 6 a.m. in a manner that makes unreasonable noise that disturbs other visitors; or operate or use a public authorization from the Field Office Manager.
d. Persons using the area will be subject to a user fee.
e. You must not enter, camp, park, or stay longer than one half hour within the Sand Mountain Recreation Area without properly paying required fees.
f. Reserving of camping spaces is prohibited; sites are allocated on a first come first serve basis.
Sec. 3 Prohibited Acts. You must not:
a. Operate a motorized vehicle in the Recreation Area without the attached safety flag as described under Sec. 1 a. of these supplementary rules;
b. Operate a motorized vehicle in excess of the posted speed limit;
c. Drink an alcoholic beverage, or have in your possession or on your person any open container that contains an alcoholic beverage, while operating in or on a motorized vehicle;
d. Camp outside the designated camping area described in Sec. 2a. of these supplementary rules;
e. Discharge any firearms, fireworks, or projectiles;
f. Make any unreasonable noise that disturbs other visitors between the hours of 12 a.m. and 6 a.m. as described in Sec. 2c. of these supplementary rules;
g Possess or use any glass cup or bottle, empty or not, used for carrying any liquid for drinking purposes outside of enclosed vehicles, or camp trailers.;
h. Bring in, dispose of or possess any firewood containing nails, screws, or other metal hardware;
i. Dump gray or wastewater at the Recreation Area directly from a vehicle or trailer. You must empty water and sewage tanks only at legal dumping stations. (The nearest one is presently located in Salt Wells.)
j. Use Sand Mountain Recreation Area without paying the user fee. Sec. 4 Penalties
k. Keep animals on a leash or tied. Animals must be kept on a leash not longer than six feet, whether held by hand or secured to a fixed object, or otherwise physically restricted at all times.
l. Freely roll down the dunes any object that creates a hazard to other users. is your gateway to explore America's outdoor and cultural destinations in your zip code and across the country. We provide tools and tips to discover new adventures through a one-stop shop for inspiration and ideation, trip planning, information sharing, and reservations. Find incredible places and experiences that help you bring home a story through!