Site Green River Lake Lodge, Loop Cabin
Bridger-Teton National Forest | Green River Lake Lodge
Enter dates to check availability
Site Details
- Site Access: Drive In
- Electric Hookup
- Pets Allowed: Yes
- Shower/Bath Type: Bathtub with Shower
- Num of Beds: 5
- Site Rating
- Checkout Time: 11:00 AM
- Condition Rating: Good
- Min Num of People: 1
- Campfire Allowed: Yes
- Hike In Distance to Site
- Shade
- Location Rating: Good
- Max Num of People: 12
- Num of Bedrooms: 2
- Num of Rooms: 3
- Proximity to Water: Lakefront
- Bed Type
- Capacity/Size Rating
- Checkin Time: 2:00 PM
- Water Hookup
Permitted Equipment
- Large Tent Over 9X12`
- Small Tent
- Large Tent Over 9X12`
- Caravan/Camper Van
- Pickup Camper
- Car
Driveway Details
- Max Vehicle Length: 20
- Min Num of Vehicles: 1
- Driveway Entry: Pull-through
- Driveway Grade: Slight
- Driveway Surface: Gravel
- : Yes
- Max Num of Horses: 2
- Max Num of Vehicles: 4
Need to Know
- Driveway turnaround is tight and narrow, trailers are not recommended. Overflow parking is availble, call the district to inquire.
- No camp trailers allowed.
- Food Storage Regulations are required on the Bridger-Teton National Forest.
Summer season rental availability is from July 1 - November 15, while winter season is December 15 - March 31.
Stay Limit - No consecutive reservations, entire group must leave the site for 5 days prior to renting lodge again.
- Minimum 2 nights
- Maximum 6 nights
Stock Use
- Small Corral for 2 animals
- no water trough available
Large group use and events
- Maximum of 50 people
- Hours: Check-in to 10:00pm
- Overnight maximum occupancy of 12 people
Photo Gallery