Site D-001, Loop Group Picnic Areas
George Washington Memorial Parkway | Fort Hunt Picnic Areas
Enter dates to check availability
Site Details
- Checkin Time: 10:00 AM
- Checkout Time: 6:00 PM
- Max Num of People: 120
- Pets Allowed: Yes
- Shade: Full
Driveway Details
Need to Know
- Area D has 30 parking spaces. There is no overflow parking available and parking on the grass or curbside is prohibited. Please make arrangements to carpool, bus, or shuttle large picnics.
Amplified sound is not allowed in Area D, B, C1, C2, or C3. (only at Area A pavilion)
- There is no use of electricity in this area.
- No picnic area can be rented by a commercial or business in service to someone else (i.e. catering events, weddings, and parties)
- No commercial logos promoting vendors or advertising may be present at Fort Hunt picnics
- Area D has a maximum capacity of 120 people with 30 parking spaces.
- It has a gravel loading zone (however vehicles must park in parking spaces after loading) , a pavilion, portable toilets, approximately 15 picnic, and a softball diamond.
- No electricity or running water. Bring your own water.
- If you plan to cook, bring your own grill.
- Amplified music is not allowed.
- Monday-Thursday: $140 : Friday-Sunday: $225
- Please recycle, and remember no food items go in recycle containers.
- To Request a Ranger led program call 703-235-1530.
- For more information about Fort Hunt Park go to:
Photo Gallery