Bureau of Land Management, Utah.
The Shash Jáa Special Recreation Management Area (SRMA) of Bears Ears National Monument is home to outstanding cultural, natural, and recreational resources. Prominent geologic features in the unit include the Bears Ears Buttes, Comb Ridge, and Arch Canyon. The deep canyons and towering mesas of the Shash Jáa SRMA contain abundant cultural resources, including rock writing, remains of single-family dwellings, granaries, kivas, and towers primarily from the Pueblo II and III periods, along with sites from the Basketmaker and Archaic periods. Popular recreation activities include hiking, backpacking, off-highway vehicle (OHV) touring on designated routes, scenic driving, dispersed camping, and photography.
The northern end of the Shash Jáa SRMA is approximately 10 miles west of Blanding, Utah, and is accessed via UT SR-95. The southern end is located approximately 3.5 miles west of Bluff, Utah, and is accessed from UT SR-163 and UT SR-191.