Bureau of Reclamation, Oklahoma.
Mountain Park Dam, Mountain Park Project, forms Tom Steed Reservoir, and regulates natural flows of West Otter Creek and diverted flows from Elk Creek to provide municipal and industrial water supplies for the cities of Altus, Snyder, and Frederick, Oklahoma. The water is conveyed from the reservoir to the cities through an aqueduct system that consists of 40 miles of pipeline, two pumping plants, and other facilities. The reservoir has approximately 6,400 water surface acres, 4,400 land acres and 45 miles of shoreline. Accessible from numerous roads. Several boat ramps and camping facilities. Predominate species include crappie, hybrid striped bass, and saugeye. Fishing permitted throughout the year. Reservoir levels.
Effective immediately, Reclamation will require all boats launching at Lake Berryessa to participate in a seal program to prevent the spread of invasive mussels. All vessels wishing to launch at Lake Berryessa will be inspected. A red quarantine seal will be applied for 30 days during, which the vessel will not be permitted to launch. Vessels that have finished the 30-day quarantine may return to the lake and have the seal removed by authorized staff and will be allowed to launch. For more information on this updated protocol, please view the press release here: https://www.usbr.gov/newsroom/news-release/5031.
Nearest highway, 183. Nearest city is Mountain Park, OK.