Bureau of Reclamation, Wyoming.
Within sight of 10,272 foot Laramie Peak, Glendo Reservoir serves as an important resting and feeding place for numerous wetlands birds. It is also very attractive to migrant and nesting passerine species as they follow the North Platte River during migration. Glendo Dam and reservoir are features of the Pick Sloan Missouri Basin Project - Glendo Unit. Recreation is managed for the Bureau of Reclamation by Wyoming State Parks and Historic Sites. Located on the North Platte River, 6 miles southeast of the town of Glendo, in Platte County. Glendo State Park has 7 campgrounds, 6 boat ramps, and a marina concession. Available species include walleye, yellow perch, and channel catfish. Channel catfish are stocked in the reservoir. Brown trout, rainbow trout, and channel catfish are stocked in the river above the reservoir. Below the dam, the river is stocked with brown, rainbow, and cutthroat trout. Plans to stock the river immediately below the dam with largemouth bass and channel catfish.Scenic overlooks and three interpretive nature trails. The Glendo Dam Wetlands Trail, located along the river, just below the dam, features two fishing/observation piers. The Muddy Bay Wetlands Interpretive Nature Trail is located on the east side of Muddy Bay. Glendo Dam Overlook Trail is located north of Glendo Dam. Across from Glendo Powerplant below the dam there is a boat ramp giving access to the North Platte River. Current Reservoir Levels
Effective immediately, Reclamation will require all boats launching at Lake Berryessa to participate in a seal program to prevent the spread of invasive mussels. All vessels wishing to launch at Lake Berryessa will be inspected. A red quarantine seal will be applied for 30 days during, which the vessel will not be permitted to launch. Vessels that have finished the 30-day quarantine may return to the lake and have the seal removed by authorized staff and will be allowed to launch. For more information on this updated protocol, please view the press release here: https://www.usbr.gov/newsroom/news-release/5031.
The easiest access to the reservoir is through the town of Glendo at Exit 111 on Interstate 25 between Douglas and Wheatland. From I-25 via County Road 17 (Glendo Park Road).
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