Fish and Wildlife Service, Louisiana.
Black Bayou Lake National Wildlife Refuge was established in 1997. Although the suburban sprawl of the city of Monroe surrounds much of its boundary, the refuge itself represents many habitat types and is home to a diversity of plants and animals. The Refuge was established for "...the conservation of the wetlands of the nation in order to maintain the public benefits they provide and to help fulfill international obligations contained in various migratory bird treaties and conventions..." 16 U.S.C. 3901 (b) (Wetlands Extension Act). The central physical feature of the Refuge is the lake itself Black Bayou Lake is approximately 1,500 acres of shallow water studded with baldcypress and water tupelo trees. The lake is owned by the City of Monroe, which manages its water level as a secondary drinking water source. The Fish and Wildlife Service has a 99 year lease on the lake itself and manages its wildlife and habitat.
Black Bayou Lake NWR is located just north of Monroe, Louisiana off U.S. Hwy 165. Approximately 1.3 miles north of the CenturyTel corporate headquarters turn east on Richland Drive. Cross
Bayou DeSiard and the railroad tracks. The visitor center is on the right side of the road. Follow refuge signs to other facilities. Brochure maps, available at the visitor center, will show other access points is your gateway to explore America's outdoor and cultural destinations in your zip code and across the country. We provide tools and tips to discover new adventures through a one-stop shop for inspiration and ideation, trip planning, information sharing, and reservations. Find incredible places and experiences that help you bring home a story through!