Rabbit Creek Ohv Trail

Bureau of Land Management, Idaho.

The Owyhee Front is a popular area offering a wide range of off-highway vehicle (OHV) trails including single-track for OHV motorcycles and wider trails and two-tracks for ATVs and other motorized vehicles. This trail system including Hemingway Butte, Fossil Creek and Rabbit Creek OHV trailheads features access to hundreds of miles of roads, moderate to difficult trails and sand washes on steep, rocky terrain. These trailheads also provide loading ramps, staging areas and restrooms. Cross-country travel is only allowed in the 200 acre area immediate adjacent to the Hemingway Butte OHV Trailhead. Otherwise, please do not travel cross-country in this area. The Murphy Travel Management Plan has established areas where OHV is limited to designated routes.

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The Owyhee Front is a large area located between Melba Junction and Oreana on Highway 78, about 45 miles southwest of Boise, Idaho. From Interstate 84, take Exit #33 to Highway 55 and follow Highway 55 south for 18 miles to Marsing, Idaho. In Marsing, turn left onto Highway 78 and continue for about 25 miles to the Rabbit Creek Trailhead.

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