Kiger Creek Wild and Scenic River

Bureau of Land Management, Oregon.


Kiger Creek flows through one of the most prominent canyons in the Steens Mountain area and offers a spectacular display of past glacial activity. The long corridor can be seen from miles away, and is identifiable by its own unique geologic feature - Kiger Notch. The U-shaped gorge is a classic example of a glaciated canyon. On a clear day, scenic vistas extend to the horizon.

Know Before You Go:

Point of Interest:

Kiger Creek provides habitat for wild, native redband trout. Additionally, Malheur mottled sculpin, mountain whitefish, and longnose dace have been observed in Kiger Creek downstream of the WSR segment. Redband trout and Malheur mottled sculpin are recognized by the BLM as Special Status Species.

Nearby Activities


Kiger Gorge Overlook: From Frenchglen, Oregon, head southeast on OR-205 S for 0.2 miles. Take Fish Lake Rd and Steens Mountain Rd to the overlook, approximately 22.8 miles.

Additional Information

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