Us Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas.
Welcome to Kansas' "Little Ozarks"! Located 5 miles east of Cherryvale, Kansas. Five beautiful park areas are offered by the Corps of Engineers for camping, picnicking, and other outdoor activities. Facilities available at these areas include designated campsites both with and without electricity, group picnic and camping areas, potable water, sanitary facilities, boat launching ramps, a playground, ballfield and a swimming beach with a change house. Camping fees are collected at three of the park areas and a day use fee is collected for the beach and boat ramps. More detailed information regarding the fee program can be obtained at the project office. Other features of the lake include the Big Hill Lake Horse Trail. This trail is 17 miles long and provides a variety of terrain for all ages to enjoy. It also offers tethering areas and three parking area which are equipped with limited facilities and may be used for overnight camping by trail riders. Due to stocking, fish shelters and leaving large areas of timber and other vegetation standing, Big Hill has developed into one of the most productive and popular fishing spots in the area. Principal species of sport fish include largemouth bass, crappie, channel and flathead catfish, bluegill, walleye and smallmouth bass. With Big Hill being one of the clearest lakes in Kansas, our alcohol-free sand-covered beach has become a popular spot for cooling off from the summer heat.
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