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White Salmon Road 3075

White Salmon Road 3075 does not offer reservations through

Please take a look at the area details below for more information about visiting this location. Enjoy your visit!


Enjoy great views of Mt. Shuksan, the Nooksack River and peaks to the north. This road follows a two-mile route with pretty open terrain. No parking pass is required but parking is very limited at the base of the road and not allowed along the state highway.

Getting Here

GPS Coordinates

48° 12' 1.5192" N
121° 10' 5.5668" W

Driving Directions

Located in the Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest 18 miles east Glacier, along the Mt. Baker Highway, State Route 542 off of a switchback about a fourth mile before the Mt. Baker Ski Area’s White Salmon Day Lodge. The road is not signed, but is the only spot meeting the description.

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