Desolation Wilderness Permit

Additional Trip Planning Information  

Forest Service Permit Offices

  • Forest Service Permit Offices may be closed or have adjusted office hours/office access due to COVID-19. Please call for trip planning assistance.


Snow may be present in Desolation Wilderness starting as early as October and not melt until July. Visitors during late fall, winter and spring should be prepared to travel over the snow. If you do not feel you are prepared or experienced for navigation and overnight camping in the snow, a trip to Desolation wilderness during this period is not recommended. 

Stream flows will be high and swift during snow melt runoff from May through July. Plan your trip to avoid crossing streams. A stream that is passible in the morning may not be by the afternoon once temperatures warm and snow melt increases. 

Changeable weather can be expected during your trip. Check local weather conditions before leaving for your trip to ensure you are properly prepared. 

Refunds are not issued for permits cancelled within seven days of day of entry for inclement weather. Plan ahead and prepare!  


Black bears are active in Desolation Wilderness and human/bear interactions have been on the increase. Bears have extremely keen noses and are attracted to food smells as well as to the scents of personal products such as toothpaste and deodorant. 

Bear-resistant canisters are highly recommended for food storage. Canisters may be available to borrow or rent at Forest Service offices. 

Storing food in your vehicle at the trailhead is also not recommended. Incidents of bears breaking in to vehicles to get at food have been reported.  

Large Groups  

The maximum group size travelling or camping together in Desolation Wilderness is 12 people. Larger groups have a greater impact on other visitor’s opportunity for solitude and on natural resources. 

If your group has more than 12 people that are planning on meeting up at some time during their trip, this will exceed the maximum group size and is prohibited in Desolation Wilderness. 

There are several alternatives outside of Desolation Wilderness that can provide a “wilderness-like” experience for larger groups. Please refer to our Trip Planning Guide (PDF) or contact a Forest Service office for recommendations.  

Pacific Crest Trail or Tahoe Rim Trail  

The Pacific Crest Trail and the Tahoe Rim Trail both traverse Desolation Wilderness. Utilizing these trails may require an overnight permit. 

If you are hiking these trails, please contact the Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit (refer to the Contacts tab) for more information on the appropriate permit for your trip.