Inyo National Forest - Wilderness Permits
Inyo National Forest
Wilderness permits are required year round for overnight trips into John Muir, Ansel Adams, Golden Trout and Hoover Wilderness, and Sequoia, Kings Canyon, and Yosemite National Parks. Only the leader or alternate specified in the reservation may pick up or use the permit.
Trips sponsored by organizations or commercial groups must contact the wilderness permit office, a special use permit may be needed.
Notifications and Alerts
- Wilderness permit reservations for trips starting on trails in the Reds Meadow area (Beck Lake, Fern Lake, Fish Creek, High Trail, John Muir Trail North of Devils Postpile, John Muir Trail South of Devils Postpile, Minaret Lake, River Trail and Shadow Creek) will only be available on days when the road is not closed for construction. When road is open on Thursdays, traffic controls will cause delays. Please pay attention to road construction schedule if you are planning to exit from one of these trailheads as well; the permit reservation system will not prevent you from getting a permit to exit even though the road may be closed. Full details about the road construction schedule can be found here: Reds Meadow Road project. *
- Check weather and road closures before choosing a trip in winter or spring. Check Alerts and Closures for Inyo National Forest. Contact Inyo or Mono County Roads for road closure information. Check the weather forecast for the area you want to visit.
Permit & Season Information
Reservations open daily ONLINE at 7AM PST:
- 60% of quota is released 6 months in advance (i.e. entry date of July 4 opens on January 4)
- 40% of quota is released 2 weeks in advance, on the same day of the week (i.e. if entry date is on a Tuesday, permits become available on the Tuesday 2 weeks prior)
- "NR" means the 60% has all been reserved and the 40% has not yet been released
Permits are required YEAR ROUND for overnight trips to Ansel Adams, John Muir, Hoover & Golden Trout Wilderness areas
Group leader is responsible to ensure everyone in their group understands and obeys the conditions of the permit
- Signed permit must be in group leader’s possession
- Alternate permit holders cannot be added after making reservation
- Group must start on entry date and location on permit
- Permit is only valid for one continuous wilderness trip
- Groups cannot combine to exceed 15 people
- For trips ending at Mt Whitney (Whitney Portal) the permit must specify exit point of “Mt Whitney (Trail Crest Exit)”
Need to Know
All wilderness permits are reserved online. If you see "NR" it means the 60% of quota released 6 months in advance has already been reserved, and the remaining 40% of quota will be released 2 weeks in advance on the same day of the week at 7am Pacific Time.
No Show Deadline: Permit will be canceled unless printed before the deadline, 10am on the entry date.
Print at Home as early as one week before the trip. Once you print your permit you do not need to check in at the visitor center. After printing you cannot make changes unless you go to a visitor center for assistance. Link to full Permit Printing Instructions . Check for open hours before you go to the visitor center. In-person service includes the chance to ask questions in person, rent a bear can, or purchase maps along with printing the permit.
Checklist Before You Print:
Review details and verify final group size before you print permit.
Inyo National Forest Safety Information and Search & Rescue Mountain Safety Message.
- Check weather and trail conditions.
- Do not rely on cell phone for communication or navigation, most of the forest has no cell service.
- Come prepared to find your way. Download maps and emergency information before starting your trip.
- Plan to be self-sufficient. Bring adequate supplies of food, water, and clothing.
- Learn symptoms of altitude sickness
Be Bear Aware
Storing food and scented items in containers designed to prevent access by bears is required in areas with a history of conflict between bears and humans. In all other parts of Inyo National Forest Wilderness, store food either by container or by hanging at least 15 feet above the ground and 10 feet horizontally from a tree trunk.
- Review wilderness rules for specific areas where food storage containers are required .
- Do not leave food or refuse in your car or tent. Do not leave food unattended.
- In campgrounds and parking areas with bear proof lockers, all food and scented items must be removed from vehicles and secured in the lockers. Dispose of trash in bear resistant trash cans.
Human Waste Disposal
There are no restrooms in the wilderness.
- Visitors to the Mt. Whitney area are expected to pack-out their solid human waste with wag bags.
- In other areas poop should be buried six to eight inches deep and at least 100 feet or more from water sources, trails, or campsites.
Behave Responsibly
Every visit to Wilderness has impacts. Do your part to minimize yours by following regulations and Leave No Trace practices.
- Pack out all your trash, help keep our wilderness areas pristine.
- Protect water quality, don’t use soap in natural waterways, even biodegradable soap can damage aquatic life. Waste water should be scattered at least 100 feet away from any water source.
- Don’t cut switchbacks, shortcutting damages the trail and adds to erosion.
- No drones, they are prohibited in wilderness.
- No loud audio devices, let the sounds of nature be part of the wilderness experience.
- Campfires are restricted in many areas, wood growth is very slow at high elevation and what little wood exists helps sustain the natural soil, plant and animal community.
- Do not camp on vegetation, these fragile areas are easily damaged. Choose a campsite at least 100 feet away from lakes, streams, or trails.
Fee Policy
Reservation Fee:
A $6.00 non-refundable reservation fee is required for each permit reservation. Reservation fees are used to finance the online reservation system and software for permit data.
Recreation Fee:
A per person recreation fee is charged for your group when reserving a wilderness permit for entry on Inyo National Forest trails.
The recreation fees are used to finance on-the-ground wilderness programs in Inyo National Forest.
- A $15.00 per person recreation fee is charged for trips entering the Whitney Zone (Mt. Whitney, North Fork of Lone Pine Creek, and Trail Crest Exit).
- A $5.00 per person recreation fee is charged for all other areas.
There are no discounts for annual passes, military, seniors, or children. All people count for wilderness quotas and fees.
Fees cannot be transferred to other dates or trails. No rain checks or credits.
Cancellation Policy
Reservations cannot be sold or transferred. Only the group leader or listed alternate can pick up or use the permit. Leader or alternate leader names cannot be changed or added.
Changes you can make online after making your reservation:
- Reducing group size.
- Corrections to itinerary, exit date, and exit location can be done online or when the permit is issued at a visitor center.
If you cancel your reservation online at least 12 full days before your entry date, the per person fee will be refunded automatically. No refund for $6.00 reservation fee.
Contact Information
Mailing Address
351 Pacu Lane Bishop CA 93514
Phone Number
Photo Gallery