Selway River (4 Rivers)

  • Part of

Permit & Season Information

This permit authorizes the permit holder to float the Selway River.

The limited permit season runs annually from May 15 to July 31, and is designed to protect the wilderness and river resources, while providing opportunities for solitude, adventure and a quality floating experience.

Only one party of up to 16 people is allowed to launch each day during that time.

Permits are not required outside the control season on the Selway River.

  • Pre-season boaters must be off the river by 11:59 PM, May 14, Mountain Time.

  • Post-season floaters may not launch until 12:01 AM August 1, Mountain Time.

  • Group size is limited to 20 people outside the permit season.

  • All other rules and regulations still apply.

Important Dates

Important Dates
December 1, 2024 - January 31, 2025Applications for lottery control season launch dates are accepted until 11:59 PM Mountain Time.
February 14, 2025Lottery results announced
March 15, 2025Deadline to confirm awarded reservation, 11:59 PM Mountain Time
March 16, 2025Unconfirmed/declined/cancelled lottery dates are released for reservation at 8 AM Mountain Time
May 15, 2025 - July 31, 2025Permits are required to float the Selway River (assigned by lottery or through a cancellation)
August 1, 2024 - May 14, 2025Pre and Post Season – permit not required

Lottery Information

A randomized lottery drawing is used to assign May 15 through July 31 launch dates and manage access to the Selway River.

Acceptance of lottery applications begins annually on December 1 and closes on January 31 at 11:59 PM Mountain Time.

Lottery applicants will be notified of results on February 14.

Successful applicants must confirm their reservation by March 15. If awarded a launch date, you must take some key steps to secure your reservation.

  • Log into your account

  • Accept your awarded launch date

  • Enter the required permit details information, such as naming one participant, the exit date and other requested details, before finalizing the confirmation process.

Your group size and most trip details can be changed prior to receiving your permit.

Any lottery dates that are declined, cancelled or revoked during the confirmation period can be reserved by others starting on March 16. The release of cancelled permits will continue until the end of the permit season.

How Does the Quota Work for this Permit?

The Selway River is one of the highest quality whitewater rivers in the nation. In order to experience the outstanding opportunities for solitude on the Selway River, the number of launches are limited to one launch per day during the peak season (permit season).

Permit Season – May 15-July 31

  • One launch per day

  • Maximum of 16 people

Pre and post season – August 1-May 14

  • Permits are not required.

  • Multiple launches may take place.

  • Group size is limited to a maximum of 20 people.

  • All other rules and regulations still apply.