Great Sand Dunes National Park Backcountry Permits

Permit & Season Information

Permits are available for advanced reservation year-round on a rolling basis, three months prior to the trip start date at 7:00 am PST/8:00 am MST/10:00 am EST each day.

Permit Options:

  • Dunes Backcountry, non-designated sites: Camp west of the day use area and high ridge line in the dunefield. 
  • Sand Ramp Trail, designated sites: Camp in a designated location, within 50 feet of metal arrowhead post. Sites include: Buck Creek, Escape Dunes, Indian Grove, Little Medano, Aspen, Cold Creek and Sand Creek.

Parking lot assignments are based on the location of the first night’s stay. You may request another parking area, 7 or more days in advance; Great Sand Dunes staff will notify you if your request is granted. Staff cannot guarantee your request will be accommodated. You can view your assigned parking lot on your printed permit or from your account. If your parking request is granted, you cannot make changes or modifications to your permit. 

Important Dates

Important Dates
November 1, 2023 - February 29, 2024Winter season
March 1, 2024 - April 30, 2024Spring break/early spring season
May 1, 2024 - August 31, 2024Peak summer season
September 1, 2024 - October 31, 2024Late summer season - fall season

How Does the Quota Work for this Permit?

The quota for this permit is measured in groups entering per day and number of vehicles per group. 

If quota is available, same-day reservations are possible; there are no first-come, first-served permits available at the park.

Permits are limited to groups of no more than six, and no more than two vehicles per group. The Sand Ramp Trail designated sites allow six people per site. Dunes Backcountry non-designated sites allow for 20 permits/day for groups of no more than six people per permit. Permits may be obtained for a maximum of 14 nights per permit holder.