Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge
Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge, located in Chesterfield County, SC, was established in 1939 to provide habitat for migratory birds, to demonstrate sound management practices that enhance natural resource conservation, and to provide wildlife-oriented recreational opportunities. The 46,000-acre refuge is dominated by the longleaf pine-wiregrass ecosystem that provides a mosaic of habitats for wildlife and plants.
The refuge is part of the National Wildlife Refuge System, a national network of lands and waters managed for the benefit of wildlife and people, managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Hunting and fishing opportunities are designed to provide safe recreation through wise use of renewable wildlife resources. Hunting and fishing are permitted in accordance with Federal regulations governing public use on National Wildlife Refuges as set forth in Title 50 of the Code of Federal Regulations and in accordance with applicable State of South Carolina regulations. Visit the Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge website for information about hunting and fishing opportunities for other species that do not require a quota permit. Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge website
This permit allows permittee(s) to participate in one designated three-day turkey hunt at the Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge. Each permitee may harvest one (1) bearded gobbler on the refuge during the three-day hunt period. A turkey killed on the refuge counts toward your state bag limit and must be tagged with a transport tag.
Hunting Brochure Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge
Annual Hunting Supplemental (Seasons & Dates) Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge
Georeferenced Map of the Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge
Permit and License Requirements
Each hunter must possess a permit. Either print the permit or download it to your phone so you can present the permit to an officer if requested.
Each hunter must possess while hunting and display upon request:
All quota hunt participants (hunters, callers, observers) must obtain a permit regardless of age. Permits are non-transferable.
State regulations for turkey hunting apply along with these special refuge regulations:
The refuge bag limit is one (1) bearded gobbler for the entire season (Youth and Quota hunts). A turkey killed on the refuge counts toward your state bag limit and must be tagged with a transport tag.
In addition to reporting your harvest using the SC Game Check app, all harvested turkeys must be checked in at the refuge office.
The refuge is open every day from one hour before sunrise until one hour after sunset.
During turkey season, hunters may access the Refuge between 4:00 a.m. and two hours after legal sunset on scheduled hunt days.
Areas closed to turkey hunting are easily identified by roads, refuge boundaries, and on the turkey map. Therefore, no closed area signs are posted.
Persons possessing, transporting, or carrying firearms on National Wildlife Refuge System lands must comply with all provisions of State and local law. Persons may only use (discharge) firearms per refuge regulations (50 CFR 27.42 and specific refuge regulations in 50 CFR Part 32).
A loaded firearm is defined as ammunition in the chamber or magazine or percussion caps on muzzleloaders.
Legal Weapons during Turkey Hunting: Shotguns, muzzleloading shotguns, bows and crossbows.
Vehicles & Roads
Licensed motor vehicles are permitted on most refuge roads as depicted on the map. However, not all roads and trails displayed on the map are open to vehicle traffic. These administrative trails and fire lanes are posted with “no vehicles beyond this point”, “official vehicles only”, or “administrative road, authorized vehicles only” signs. Obey all posted signs.
ATV/UTV are prohibited except for use by mobility-impaired persons possessing a refuge special use permit for use in the designated mobility-impaired hunt area.
Vehicles may park alongside roads in a manner that will not block gates or fire lanes or interfere with the normal flow of traffic.
The speed limit on all refuge roads is 15 MPH unless posted otherwise.
Walk-in areas are designated on the Turkey Hunting map. No motor vehicles are allowed in walk-in areas.
Bicycles and E-bikes with an electric motor of less than 750 watts (1h.p.) with fully operational pedals and an operating speed of less than 20mph (Class 1 electric bicycles) are permitted on refuge roads and in walk-in areas.
Bicycles and E-bikes are not permitted on hiking trails.
People with mobility impairments who have special access needs should contact the Refuge Manager to request special use access.
Hunters wishing to use an ATV/UTV to hunt must provide a copy of their state-disabled hunting license. Hunters who receive a permit to use an ATV/UTV may only use the ATV/UTV in the designated mobility-impaired hunt area (see map).
All rules and regulations pertaining to the use of motor vehicles will be in effect for the use of ATV/UTV.
Prohibited Activities
Application Fee: Hunters may apply individually or in a group of up to three hunters per group for one application fee of $10.
Permit Fee: $15 per hunter permit fee. If drawn, the applicant is responsible for purchasing all permits for the group application.
Application Cancellation Policy: Applicants may cancel their order any time before the application period closes on March 1, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. No refunds are issued for any cancellation.
Order (Permit) Cancellation Policy: Drawn applicants will have a 10-day window to claim their permit(s) by paying a $15 per hunter permit fee. The primary applicant is responsible for purchasing the number of permits requested on the application and must list group members prior to checkout.
Unclaimed Permits: Any unclaimed permits will go on sale on March 18, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. until all permits have been sold.
Change Policy: No changes are permitted once permits have been claimed.
23734 US Highway 1 McBee SC 29101
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