Death Valley National Park also accepts payment in person during operating hours and honors valid Interagency Passes (Annual, Senior, Access, Military, etc.). For more information, visit the park's Fees & Passes page.
Do NOT purchase a digital site pass now if you:
All visitors 16 years of age and older to Death Valley National Park are required to pay an entrance fee or to present a valid Interagency Annual and Lifetime Pass (Annual, Senior, Military, Access, etc.)
Visitors must print a hard copy of the pass before arrival. Connectivity in the park is poor.
Please print your pass before driving to the park. This allows you to drive directly to a trailhead or parking lot and leave the printed pass on your dashboard.
Visitors with valid Interagency Annual and Lifetime passes should display them in a hangtag or place them on their vehicle's dashboard. Those traveling in open-topped vehicles or on motorcycles should be prepared to present a pass to NPS staff upon request.
Failure to properly display or present a valid park pass can lead to a citation.
Travel prepared. Watch for signs of trouble. Take responsibility for your own safety. Cell service is limited.
Carry and drink plenty of water!
Recreating responsibly and exercising Leave No Trace © practices protects you and the park.
Drive only on established roads. Appreciate wildlife from a distance. Leave plants, rocks and historic objects as you find them, for others to enjoy.
Drone operation within the Death Valley National Park boundary is prohibited by federal law.
Pets should be leashed at all times and may only be walked along roads, visitor center grounds, and in developed areas of front country campgrounds.