Seasonal Tree Permit

Mt. Hood National Forest Christmas Tree Permit

Celebrate your family tradition with a visit to the beautiful Mt. Hood National Forest!

This permit allows you to cut a Christmas Tree within designated areas of the Mt. Hood National Forest. Lifelong memories are built during these special times and we are happy to help with any information you'll need to make this trip a safe and enjoyable experience. Please be sure to read and agree to all the tips and guidelines when selecting your tree.

For more information please visit 

Fees and Season Dates

Need to Know

Where to Cut Your Tree

  • Please reference the map provided when planning on where to cut your tree. Respect Signage and closures. Please make sure you are not on county, private or tribal land before cutting your tree. Permit valid only on National Forest. Responsible harvesting enables this fun tradition to continue! Forest roads may be closed due to snow depth or winter range habitat. For road conditions please check our website

  • West-side: Clackamas River Ranger District is recovering from wildfires, enter with caution. Wildcat Mountain area: follow FSR 36 beyond Clackamas County Forest to FSR 3626 and 2609. Lolo Pass area: tree cutting prohibited in Bull Run Watershed, respect "no tresspassing" signs. Only drive on roads open to motor vehicle use. Tree cutting not allowed within 100 feet of highways including Hwy 26 and Hwy 224. Do not park on highways.

  • East-side: Christmas Tree cutting is permitted within the Hood River and Barlow Ranger Districts. Areas burned from wildfire on The Barlow District can be hazardous, please use caution. Do not cut trees within The Dalles Municipal Watershed and Camp Baldwin. Only drive on roads open to motor vehicle use. Tree cutting not allowed within 100 feet of highways including 26, 35, and 216. Do not park on highways. 

  • Sno-Park permit required to utilize areas plowed & maintained by ODOT. Information available online

Selecting Your Tree

  • Do not cut trees within 100 feet of a trail, 200 feet of campgrounds or recreation sites, 300 feet of a stream or lake. Do not cut on county, tribal or private land, wilderness areas, research natural areas, active timber sales or areas posted "No Christmas Tree Cutting.” 

  • While choosing your tree, ensure there is another free to grow within 12 ft. of the one you cut.

  • Tree Height: up to 15 feet. Larger trees available at a “per foot” cost at your local Ranger District. Stump height: 6 inches or less. 

  • Do not remove the top of the tree; cut down the entire tree. Remove snow from around the stump so you can accurately measure stump and tree height. Scatter excess branches. Pack out everything you brought in. 


Christmas Tree Map:  geo-referenced
Christmas Tree Map: geo-referenced
Christmas Tree Map: printable (11x17)
Christmas Tree Map: printable (11x17)

Planning Your Trip

How to Plan Your Trip

  • You must print and bring your Christmas Tree Permit with you. Place on the dashboard of your vehicle in clear view while harvesting and transporting your tree off of the Mt. Hood National Forest. 

  • Be sure to measure the space where you plan to place the tree in your home (height and width) and measure the space in your vehicle where you will be transporting the tree.  

  • Cell service may be spotty or unavailable. Be sure someone knows where you are going and when to expect you back.

  • Check the latest weather conditions, forest warnings and road closures. Know before you go! Start your day early. Be sure to find your tree and leave the woods before dark.

  • Bring a map with you. Don’t rely on GPS because it may not be up-to-date. Pay attention to conditions, if the road looks bad, don't drive it!

  • Dress warmly and take extra dry clothes. Expect winter weather, including cold temperatures, ice, snow and winds. Avoid going out during low visibility, blizzard conditions or stormy days.  

  • Roads are not plowed. Avoid driving in deep snow or ruts. Carry tire chains, shovel and a tow chain. Be sure your vehicle has a full tank of gas. Don’t get locked out of your car. Park in areas so that traffic can get by safely. Do not block gates or barracades.

Helpful Cutting Tips

  • Tools to consider bringing with you include a measuring tape, handsaw, gloves, loppers, tarp and straps to secure your tree to your vehicle.

  • Cut the leftover branches from the stump and scatter them. Cut the stump to 6” height.

  • Carry your tree carefully out of the woods. Dragging the tree will rub off needles and bark. 

  • If the tree is too big to transport inside of your vehicle, wrap it with a tarp to prevent wind damage. Carefully tie down your load for the safety of you and others.

  • Once home, cut the bottom of the trunk off and place the freshly cut trunk in a bucket of water. Replenish water as needed. 

  • Call for forest information, office houres vary: Clackamas River Ranger District (971) 333-4100; Zigzag Ranger District (503) 622-3191; Barlow Ranger District (541) 467-2291; Hood River Ranger District (541) 352-6002. 

Contact Us

Barlow Ranger District

780 NE Court St
Dufur, OR 97021
(541) 467-2291

Clackamas River Ranger District

16400 Champion Way
Sandy, OR 97055
(971) 333-4100

Hood River Ranger District

6780 Highway 35
Parkdale, OR 97041
(541) 352-6002

Zigzag Ranger District

70220 E Highway 26
Zigzag, OR 97049
(503) 622-3191

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