Desolation Wilderness Permit

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Permit & Season Information

Overnight Permits: 

  • Permits are required all year round and allow an individual or group (of up to 12) travelling & camping together to stay in this Wilderness.
  • Permits are limited in quantity from Friday of Memorial Day weekend to the end of September
  • The quota is based on 45 Destination Zones. You must stay your first night in the Zone you select for your permit. After your first night, you may change locations for subsequent nights of your visit using the same permit, as long as you exit by the last date booked for your trip. 
  • Permits can be reserved up to six months in advance of your day of entry. 
  • Outside of the limited quota season, permits can be booked and printed on the day of entry. 
  • Within the limited quota season, your permit can be printed starting seven days in advance and up to the day of entry. 
  • You must have a printed copy of your permit with you at all times. 

Day Use Permit: 

Obtain a free permit from a local Forest Service office , or at trailheads in the summer.  

How Does the Quota Work for this Permit?

The quota season is from the Friday before Memorial Day to September 30 each year.

The quota is based on 45 Destination Zones and applies to the number of individuals selecting that zone for their first night’s stay. This system protects popular destinations from overcrowding and provides opportunities for solitude and reflection. A destination-based quota was selected (as opposed to a trailhead-based quota) for Desolation Wilderness because it is a relatively small wilderness area and many zones can be reached from a single trailhead.

An overnight permit is required year-round in Desolation Wilderness. During the off-quota season there is no limit to the number of overnight users in each zone (maximum group size still applies).

Find Your Place in Desolation Wilderness